Kha Dinh Duy

khadinh (at) skku (dot) edu
Ph.D. Student, System Security Lab, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea


I am a third-year Ph.D. student advised by Prof. Hojoon Lee at System Security Lab, Sungkyunkwan University. I do research in Systems Security. My research interests is in software security, operating systems security, trusted execution environments and virtualization.


Dec 10, 2023 Our paper RustSan is accepted for publication at Usenix Security 2024!
Nov 27, 2023 My paper Capacity got the Distinguished Paper Award at ACM CCS 2023!

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selected publications

  1. Capacity: Cryptographically-Enforced In-Process Capabilities for Modern ARM Architectures
    Kha Dinh Duy, Kyuwon Cho, Taehyun Noh, and Hojoon Lee
    In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2023
    Distinguished Paper Award
  2. RustSan: Retrofitting AddressSanitizer for Efficient Sanitization of Rust (to appear)
    Kyuwon Cho, Jongyoon Kim, Kha Dinh Duy, and Hojoon Lee
    In 33nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24), 2024